How to be a Rainmaker in 2017
Rain·mak·er – An
executive with exceptional ability to attract clients.
Many people believe that
rainmakers have special talents. In some
cases that may be true but the skills needed to be a rainmaker are easily
Step 1 – Write a Marketing Plan
- Who is my target market? Be specific. Define age, income level, industry…
- What products or services will I provide?
- When should I market my business?
- Where shall I network? Where will I advertise? Where will I get published?
- How will I get my name out to the public?
Step 2 – Know Your
- Locate your competition by expertise and/or geographic area
- Determine what sets you apart from your competition and be prepared to exploit that difference
- Which of your competitors is more successful than you? Why? What are they doing that you are not? Learn from them.
- Form relationships with your competition. Often competitors can become referral sources.
Step 3 – Create Your
- Dress for success
- Get involved with the right organizations
- Have the proper credentials
- Evaluate the look and location of your business
Step 4 – Set Yourself
Apart as an Expert
- Lecture
- Teach a class or seminar
- Write an article or book
- Get quoted
Step 5 – Develop an
Internet Presence
- Create a website
- Participate in social media
- Write a blog
- Post your newsletter
- Communicate with your clients, colleagues, vendors and prospects through regular email blasts
Step 6 – Network,
Network, Network
- Research the meeting you plan to attend. Will the right people be in attendance? Who do you want to speak to?
- Don’t monopolize anyone’s time
- Focus on the person you’re speaking with. Don’t scan the room for your next target.
- Be generous. Be willing to give a lead before getting one.
- Follow up within 24 hours
Step 7 – Track Your
- Create a referral file
- Ask every person who calls, “How did you hear about us?”
- Don’t waste your time on meetings, people, advertising, etc. that do not bring in results
- Be consistent
- Learn from others
- Update your marketing plan periodically
- Market 365 days a year
- Market everywhere you go
- Make marketing a way of life
- Have fun!
Sandra G. Johnson, CPA
February 2017